Monday, September 27, 2010

RWC City Council Discussing HSR Tonight

Here is the agenda for the council's meeting tonight.

The agenda item of interest is:

City Participation in Lawsuit Challenging Latest High-Speed Rail Authority EIR (Environmental Impact Report).

I don't know if the council is seriously considering joining this lawsuit. RWC hasn't had the type of NIMBY hysteria they have down in PA.

I also don't know if the council is looking for public comment, since this meeting has not been much publicized. However, I plan on giving themselves.

My main points will be (1) to remind them of the benefits of improved transit and grade separation to RWC, (2) to urge them not to take an obstructionist "tunnel or nothing" stance, and (3) to suggest that they work through the CalTrain board, which represents the peninsula, after all, to iron out issues they have with the HSRA.

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