Thursday, January 24, 2008

Betrayed by One of Our Own

More details are emerging on the censored Surface Transportation Commission report.

From self-described "grassroots" site Renew America's columnist Wes Vernon:

Weyrich says he was told by NSTPRSC Executive director Susan J. Binder (who works for Peters) that the deletion was made at the behest of Weyrich's fellow majority commissioner Steve Heminger from the San Francisco bay area's Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). That regional group's website says MTC is responsible for updating the blueprint "for the development of mass transit, highway, airport, seaport, railroad, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities" in the community. So Heminger is apparently involved in all modes, but his 9-county entity — with a reach extending well beyond rail-centric San Francisco and its closer-in suburbs — is steeped in bus and toll-road issues.

Indeed, according to the MTC's "Key Staff" page, Heminger is a board member of the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnkpike (sic!) Association.

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